BuilderBuddies Wiki

Badges are special symbol that appear in front of a player name in chat.

There are currently 5 badges in the game.

Wrench Badge (Developers)[]

It is a gray, wrench badge. Only game developers have it.

Tree Badge (Wilderness Moderator)[]

It is a green, tree badge. Only Wilderness Moderators have it.

Sword Badge (Town Moderator)[]

It is a green, sword badge. Only Moderators in a town will have it. The badge will only show in the town's chat.

Ribbon Badge (Mayors)[]

It is red, ribbon badge. Only mayors in a town will have it. The badge will only show in the town's chat.

Subscription Badge (Paid players)[]

This badge is the only badge that can be gained by paying 5 USD every month. The players having the subscription badge will also have access to some emotes that can be used in the chat.

[Canceled] Axe Badge (Global Moderators)[]

It is a dark green, axe badge. Only Global Moderator will have it. It was removed on March 1, 2019.